
Leadership is a state of being

Being a leader is not the same as acting as one,
and calling yourself a leader is not the same as being one.


People who choose leadership or who are given the opportunity to be a leader, have three choices that they can make. They can choose to be a Conscious leader, an Unconscious leader, or an Anti-conscious leader.  

To evolve from leadership to conscious leadership, leaders must have a sincerity and willingness to be conscious leaders, and they must demand of themselves to choose consciousness, no matter what it takes.  The first question that leaders must ask themselves is “Do I have a sincere aspiration and willingness to be a conscious leader?” The answer can only be ‘yes’ or ‘no’, because wishful desire does not provide a fertile inner ecology required for consciousness to expand.  Sincerity and willingness are essential, because they facilitate consciousness to expand its possibilities by motivating the leader to demand of themselves to choose consciousness.


What do most people misidentify and misapply as leadership? 

Being a leader is not the same as acting as one,
and calling yourself a leader is not the same as being one.

Most executives these days are appointed into leadership positions by virtue of their technical skills, knowledge and education.  Seldom are people chosen to become leaders of an organisation because of their sheer leadership qualities and abilities.  In most organisations, ‘Leaders’ are in fact ‘Managers’ working under a leadership title. Many people in management believe that they can become leaders in their organisation or field of expertise because they know so much about the business, their extensive experience in the field, superior technical knowledge and excellent process management skills.  This is often not the case.  

To become an extraordinary leader, an executive must become a conscious leader by combining both executive management skills and conscious leadership abilities.  

Executive management skills are necessary to win credibility with the staff as a leader and with the board of governance as an executive. In this framework, executive management is not about managing the people to get things done in the business, but is more to do with taking vision and strategy to the staff. It is about managing what things get done through which people.  


Are you a good leader or an outstanding leader?

Do you perceive yourself as a good leader or a great leader or an outstanding leader?

Leadership is a process of ‘Being’ rather than ‘Doing’. This establishes the quality, attitude and disposition which delineates outstanding leaders.

Most executives these days are appointed into leadership positions by virtue of their technical skills, knowledge and education.  Seldom are people chosen to become leaders of an organization because of their sheer leadership qualities and abilities.  In most organizations, ‘Leaders’ are in fact ‘Managers’ working under a leadership title. Many people in management believe that they can become leaders in their organization or field of expertise because they know so much about the business, their extensive experience in the field, superior technical knowledge and excellent process management skills.  This is often not the case.  

Being a leader is not the same as acting as one, and calling yourself a leader is not the same as being one. To become a true leader, you must become a conscious leader by combining both executive management skills and conscious leadership abilities.