Put into practice

The current economic environment will make or break many businesses, both big and small, unless they generate different possibilities for themselves. We don’t mean to be alarmist, but it’s apparent and perceptible.

If global and domestic economic uncertainties continue, as it looks as if they will, and business and household consumption becomes more reticent, then businesses that continue to operate based on business-as-usual standards will find themselves struggling alongside other distressed businesses.  These distressed businesses will be cutting prices below the marginal cost of procurement to preserve cash flow.  Sadly, businesses that have been just surviving will become derailed either because they cut margins below sustainable rates or because they are destabilized by insolvent rivals. 

So what do you do about it?

To prosper and thrive in the decades ahead, you have to think differently about reinvigorating your life and your business. It requires you to expand your awareness and develop clarity of vision to see beyond this contextual reality. 

You must be willing to let go of all the timeworn conventional business models that keep your business from being remarkable. You must stop functioning on autopilot and begin to generate your business with strategic awareness and prosperity consciousness. 

It takes the willingness to be aware of everything, which allows you to perceive different possibilities. If you have the awareness to know what is happening and where you are going, you will be able to generate something different. With this No More Business As Usual book you’ll get the awareness you need to lead your business in any financial environment!

Be aware of the reality you exist in. There are four major assumptions and conventional premises that most leaders adopt as their strategies. These key assumptions keep them trapped, competing in contextual reality. Read more on the four key assumption in chapter 1 page 12 -"What You Believe Is What You Create'

Dare to be different. If you are experiencing difficulty or a limitation in your business, there must be something you’ve blocked from your awareness.  You have to be willing to change the points of view and beliefs that keep you moored in the conventional business-as-usual paradigm or nothing will change in your business. For more on this point, read No More Business As Usual book, Chapter 2 

Choose to Operate Your Business Differently. Today, the majority of CEOs and business leaders know that it is imperative to be strategically nimble and dynamically innovative. They know they must be able to inspire their people to perform and be the very best of themselves in every moment. So, why are many CEOs and leaders still captives of the conventional business-as-usual paradigm? Read the three likely explanations in Chapter 3 page 31

The Power of Conscious Leadership. The leadership qualities of chief executives, boards, and leadership teams have a profound effect on the ability of organizations to perform effectively. If you would like to achieve financial success with your business in today’s environment, you need become a conscious leader in your business as well as your life. For more on this topic see ‘Eight Attributes of Conscious Leaders’ page 46 - 48. These eight attributes will allow you to see new possibilities in your business, your career, your organization, your products, and services. 

Being functional with contextual reality. Being functional with this contextual reality is the ability to rise above what’s going on and to clearly see behavior, attitudes, approaches, and events as contextual. Operating from this contextual reality as though it is real is the only way to create business as limited. Businesses that obsessively seek to be in context with this reality are often self-defeating and self-destructive. When you are being functional with contextual reality, you are above it and you see there are things that require your attention. When you are functional, you are willing to change what you are able to change and don’t try to deal with what you can’t change. For more on what this means in practice see Chapter 9, page 108 - 117

Develop and expand your strategic awareness capacity. In today’s environment of global financial crises, global warming, globalization, loss of local autonomy, and other issues, the lack of strategic awareness is a liability that organizations can no longer afford. Without strategic awareness, leaders may be unaware of new opportunities or unable to appropriately perceive critical threats. Leaders who lack strategic awareness become derailed and get discarded sooner, while the injury and dysfunction that they have set in motion can be devastating for a business. For more on what it would take to expand your strategic awareness, take a look at Chapter 11 The Magic of Strategic Awareness, page 157 - 159