
Has your business lost it sparkle?

The recession has weeded out many business players that were stuck in the scarcity and survivalist mentality of contextual reality. In recent years, we have observed that leaders who were content to rise with the tide of the economy have also fallen with it. The big risk today is staying with the herd and copying what others are doing. Not adjusting to the new environment or simply being unaware of other possibilities accounts for many business failures.

Too often people are choosing to conform to the demands of the world, and often allow themselves to  be paralyzed by contextual reality. That's one of the biggest things most unsuccesful business have been doing to themselves to limit their possibilities.

Most people  are content to obey the rules and be in agreement with contextual reality in order to  fit, in order to know where they can benefit, where they can win, and how to avoid losing. They tend to find false comfort within the confines of contextual reality. Too often they fail to realize that although they might feel secure, with the business-as-usual mindset in place, they will not be able to generate their business from the edge of infinite possibility.

In this tumultuous business environment, doing business-as-usual is a formula for business derailment and financial meltdown. To prosper and thrive in the decade ahead, leaders have to think differently about reinvigorating their business.

So to get your sparkle back you must be willing to let go of all the timeworn conventional business models that keep your business from being remarkable.

Just imagine what your business and your life would be like if you stopped functioning on autopilot and began to generate your business with strategic awareness and prosperity consciousness.



Confidence without Strategic Awareness

Many entrepreneurs are setting up new ventures with gusto, enthusiasm and confidence.

The difficulty is that mostly they lack strategic awareness.

Strategic awareness is a paradoxical blend of intensity of awareness and the ability to take action strategically. It is the ability to access knowledge and information beyond what is known in the world at the present time. With advanced strategic awareness, entrepreneurs will be able to capture new opportunities and new possibilities. They would be able to conceive new ideas, and develop strategies to bring those ideas into existence. They are more likely to see trends outside their industry that could affect the positioning of their business, and they generate new growth opportunities.

We have not been trained to develop strategic awareness in our education. So much focus on defining, quantifying, and identifying who we are according to this reality. So much focus on past reference points, on conventional business strategies and on competition. It never occurs to anyone to talk about the value of awareness, the value of curiosity and being the question, of the ability to receive everything without judgment.

We live in a time of accelerating change in the global landscape. Globalization, environmental calamities, technological advances, and other complex forces are buffeting us like never before. To thrive and flourish in these circumstances, we must expand our awareness and formulate generative strategies for our business and our life. The ability to prosper and thrive in tough times is what sets high-profit businesses apart from ones that are barely scraping by.